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Support the exhibition projects of the Russian Railway Museum in the Golden Trezzini competition

The Russian Railway Museum is taking part in the Golden Trezzini competition in the nomination "The best realized project of a temporary or permanent museum exhibition". As part of this nomination, the museum presents a series of exhibitions in the interiors of historical wagons.

A series of exhibition projects in the interiors of historical rolling stock is a unique form of acquaintance with the historical and cultural heritage. In 2020-2024, exhibitions on the connection of railways with Dostoevsky, Nekrasov and Gorky were organized in the Class III carriage. An exposition about General Khrulev is open in the freight car, and in the baggage car of the early twentieth century there is an exhibition about lawyer A. F. Koni. This made it possible to expand the exposition space of the museum and open the monuments of railway equipment to the public.

We invite you to support the Russian Railway Museum in the Golden Trezzini competition by following the link: https://www.goldtrezzini.ru/nominees/rzd-museum /. The popular vote, which will determine the winner of the Premio del Pubblico special audience award, will last until October 30, 2024.

The international architectural and Design award "Golden Trezzini" was founded in 2018. The Golden Trezzini is the official award of the World Club of Petersburgers. The purpose of the award is the museification of the most artistically valuable projects in the field of architecture, design, restoration, scenography and museum business. In 2023, the Museum of Railways of Russia won the audience award with a monument to M. I. Khilkov on the territory of the Gatchina Courtyard in front of the museum.